Friday, March 13, 2009


There are differences between too kind or stupid. I don't know which side I am now.

Sometimes I think I don't do wrong, it's others fault, but I can't yell at them, I can't tell them nicely either. They only do whatever they want, they pushed me to the line. They don't know whose the one should be take responsible of that job, they don't care. Don't you know, I am exactly just helping them, it's not my job desk actually, but, what the hell, they don't care. They don't care why the things come late, they don't even wanna know first why it's late. First thing come out from their mouth is "how did you do your job? So stupid!".

F***! It's not like once or twice, many boss, many jobs. If it is my job desk, I'll be fine if you angry to me coz I do something wrong. But, if I just, only, helping you, when that job is not my job, do please don't put your mouth like your ass. I'm human, I have a heart. I'm helping you, I'm not your servant, you are not my boss.

Damn, it's not even my business.

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