Thursday, June 19, 2008

sometimes life is suck

well, maybe today is not a good day... sometimes life is suck...

I'm not asking the same treatment from other people? but why there's so many people out there that just put some mask on their face?

well, i know in our life, we can not always put our real face in front of other people. sometimes we need it, to make some relations. But, can't they just stop staring at me like i did something bad to them? what have i done that make them so unpleasant with me... I did nothing...

Oh, God... I know there must be something, but i hate all this thing. If you, someone out there, who doesn't like me, then just say it to my face.

1 comment:

  1. Girl...
    I know that it isn't easy if you feel ignored, and rejected by surrounder..

    Like the nature's law, "smile, and world will smile to you.." (^_^)

    Eh girl, pertama2 gw pngen muji poem-poem lo dulu..(Hihi poem-poem?? Indonesia bgt)
    Poem lo asyik2 gila! Simple,easy reading,lngsung to the point, salut buat lo..
    lo bisa gitu yah,ngungkapin apa yg lo rasain lewat puisi g bs loh. Kalo gw mah bisanya : marah2 klo lg sebel, nangis klo lg sedih, ketawa ngakak kl lg seneng bgt, diem kl lg bete, mkan klo lg laper, bobo kalo ngantuk, dan ngabisin duit kalo lg punya duit, dan gigit jari klo lg g pnya duit.. Hihi.. So complicated khan gw..

    Balik lg ke lil' share nya lo.. Gw prihatin lo ngerasa "digituin" ma lingkungan lo. Pdahal sbnernya lo pasti pengen mereka support lo, bisa jadi sobat2 lo, bisa bwt lo feelin' comfort, itu pasti yg lo pngen kan?(Ya iyalah.. Mana ada org yg pengen dicuekin ;p)

    Gw ga da maksud ngeteacherin (hihi) lo girl,gw cma pengen share yg gw tau, yg gw prna alami.. Ockay? So dun't be tersinggung ya (halah..)

    Girl, life is not just like paper and ink..
    Lo jago bwt puisi, lo bisa nulis apa aja yg lo mau,lo bisa ngomong apa aj yg mau lo 'omongin' kapanpun lo pengen nulis, lo tinggal ambil kertas ama pena, dimanapun, kapanpun, lo tinggal nulis, puisi jadi, lo puas deh.. (Bener g? Sotoy ya gw..hehe..)

    Nah, klo lingkungan kta, itu complicated banget..nget..nget.. Ga kaya kertas ma pena,
    Yang bisa lo pilih, mo kertas apa, pena warna apa, kapan aja, dimana aja.. Lingkungan itu (temen2 lo) itu perlu "keterampilan" khusus bwt ditaklukin..(Haha.. Apa coba?)

    Knapa gw bilang "ketrampilan" khusus? Iya karna itu g bisa dteng bgitu aja,mesti dipelajari.. Kadang lo mesti toleran, lo mesti nahan marah, nahan kesel, dan segala macem nahan2 lainnya.. (Termasuk nahan angin.. Ups jorox).. Itu bukan berarti kta mesti pura2 kaya lo bilang "pake topeng", kalo menurut gw beda loh.. Kita g usah pake topeng bwt purba (pura2 baik), ya yg tulus aja.. Kalo kata aa ariel, "tapi buka dulu topengmu.." :p

    Nah kalo lo uda belajar "keterampilan" khusus, gw jamin deh, lo pasti ga bakal curhat kaya "life is suck" lagi de.. :) pasti lo entar curhatnya ttg temen2 lo yg bawel2, lo pasti ngeblog ttg temen2 yg luthu2.. Trust me dech..

    Ockay girl, gtu aj dulu ye, gw cape ngetiks.. Tar gw tunggu blog ttg gw yah... Hahha ngarep..

    Pokoke lo yang kuat ya girl, enjoy ur life.. Life is not as suck as u think.. Life is biutipul.. Hihi..

    Daag.. Teruslah berkarya, sapa tau poem nya bisa gw jual.. He.. Piss.. And chaoo..

    Trissya cakep
